
The New England College of Optometry was seeking help to enhance a few aspects of their brand. They asked us to create an ad campaign that would entice prospective students to apply to their program and a design for the exterior of a Mobile Eye Clinic, various event collateral elements, and their Annual Report for the year. 

The Annual Report was focused on International, National, and Regional connections the school had made over the past year. With an emphasis on a partner school in China and their Mobile Eye Clinic, the design reflected that relationship with the use of maps, images, and strategic copy placement. 

The Mobile Eye Clinic was run by New England Eye in affiliation with NECO and was extremely successful. The clinic emphasized care for younger children and older adults in undeserved communities who didn’t otherwise have access to eye care or weren’t able to travel to the eye doctor. The designed used a bright, “school bus” yellow in the attempt to make the clinic recognizable to folks as the bus traveled around the area.

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The ads ran all over the MBTA and used QR code scanning technology in the hopes that a younger audience would be drawn to them and lead them directly to the college’s admissions page.

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We also worked on some event collateral and brochures for the school.
